Tuesday 11 August 2015


You know what is a nightmare for me? FORGETTING EVERYTHING! I am amazingly amazing at remembering everything from years ago but when it comes to remembering when I have last written a blog post or when I last remembered to fill the dog bowl up...it is impossible. But that is my new year's resolution...to remember more. (New Year for me is September as this is the beginning of a new school year and a new school year is more important than an actual new year). Yes, I am a strange person.

I also have an issue with 'normal' and 'average'. I was called 'average' earlier. Now, that offended me...a lot. Why? Because someone labelled me for starters and secondly that label is something I don't want to be. how would you like if someone came up to you and called you 'average'. It isn't nice. I don't want to be categorized into a category formed by society and society's reflection on things. LIKE WHAT?!?!

I have also decided that I am going to create a port folio of my own photography. Whether it is going to be an online port folio or a physical, paper port folio, I have not decided. I also discovered my own interest in medical science. I am currently learning about water in the body and how 60% of our body weight is made up of water. A 60kg individual will have approximately 36 liters of water in their body. Now, to me, that is an interesting fact which I am going to spread to the world for no absolute reason but just to start an interesting conversation.

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